Sun Tamer: Māori Graphic Novel

  • Client
    Citizens of Aotearoa
  • Maui role
    Concept, Script Writing, Illustration, Graphic Design
Stand alongside the demigod who chose to believe that achieving the impossible was his calling, and waging war with the Gods was a small step to take to realize ones potential. Walk with a unified and driven people as they journey through lands of Mythology, of wonder and treachery toward what could be certain death. Face your fears and stare into the eyes of an enraged God whose spit would level your entire existence to smoldering ash. “There a few who defy the order of things. And fewer who choose to see limitations are fables told by lesser men. ” – Tohunga Taha.
You’ve stepped into the realm of the Sun Tamer.
These graphic novels are designed for tamariki and are created with the guidance and input of mana whenua, ensuring that the stories and themes are culturally appropriate and accurate. Through these graphic novels, tamariki are able to engage with Māori stories, history, and culture in an accessible and visually engaging way. The use of images and storytelling can help to bring these stories to life and make them more relatable for tamariki. This is particularly important for Māori children who may not have access to this knowledge elsewhere.
The graphic novels are an excellent tool for education, and they can help to foster a sense of pride and connection to Māori culture and identity. By using culturally appropriate images and language, we can empower tamariki to embrace their cultural heritage and to share their knowledge with others.

Hangarau Matihiko Hangarau Matihiko