Ōtākou Visual Pepeha
What began as a conversation between Tahu and Megan Potiki, later evolved into an adventurous project, traversing the natural terrains of the Ōtākou region to follow the footsteps of the ancestors. Utilising drones our film team worked with those at the marae to map out range of locations to capture that were meaningful to their pepeha. The end outcome being the Visual Pepeha was a chance for those who lived away from the kaik to reconnect with Ōtākou and build a sense of connection with the place they whakapapa to. In addition they’re not only speaking the words in their pepeha, but they’re able to create a visual connection to the places within their pepeha with hopes of travelling to those places in future. We dedicate this project to the rakatira Tahu Potiki and their whānau.